中山 義久

中山 義久
所属 脳科学研究所
役職 グローバルCOE研究員
専門分野 神経科学
居室 研究センター棟
研究キーワード 運動前野、高次運動野、一次運動野、随意運動
所属学会 日本神経科学学会、日本生理学会、日本心理学会、Society for Neuroscience




  • Involvement of the globus pallidus in behavioral goal determination and action specification, Nariko Arimura, Yoshihisa Nakayama, Tomoko Yamagata, Jun Tanji, and Eiji Hoshi, Journal of Neuroscience, 2013, in press
  • Distinct information representation and processing for goal-directed behavior in the dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and the dorsal premotor cortex, Yamagata T, Nakayama Y, Tanji J, Hoshi E., J Neurosci., 2012/09, 32(37), 12934 - 12949
  • 認知と運動の統合過程を支える神経基盤, 星英司、中山義久、山形朋子、佐賀洋介、橋本雅史、有村奈利子、丹治順, Brain and Nerve - 神経研究の進歩, 2011, 63, 59 - 68
  • 補足運動野と前補足運動野, 丹治順、中山義久、山形朋子、佐賀洋介、橋本雅史、有村奈利子、星英司, Clinical Neuroscience, 2010, 28, 1121 - 1124
  • Processing of visual signals for direct specification of motor targets and for conceptual representation of action targets in the dorsal and ventral premotor cortex, Yamagata T., Nakayama Y., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2009, 102, 3280 - 3294
  • 運動野のsomatotopyを考える-行動制御の生理学的検討から, 丹治順・中山義久・山形朋子・星英司, Brain and Nerve-神経科学の進歩, 2009, 61, 1263 - 1271
  • Transformation of a virtual action plan into a motor plan in the premotor cortex, Nakayama Y., Yamagata T., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Journal of Neuroscience, 2008, 28, 10287 - 10297
  • Sex differences in the relationship between cortisol levels and the Empathy and Systemizing Quotients in humans, Nakayama Y., Takahashi T., Wakabayashi A., Oono H., & Radford M.H.B, Neuroendocrinology Letters, 2007, 28, 445 - 448
  • Cortisol levels and prospective and retrospective memory in humans, Nakayama Y., Takahashi T., & Radford M.H.B, Neuroendocrinology Letters, 2005, 26, 599 - 602
  • 展望的記憶および社会的記憶における気分一致効果とストレスホルモンの影響, 中山義久・高橋泰城・マーク H. B. ラドフォード, 北海道心理学研究, 2005, 29, 19 - 32


  • Cortisol levels and prospective and retrospective memory in humans, Chapter 21, 481-488, Nakayama Y., Takahashi T., & Radford M.H.B. Radford, M.H.B., Ohnuma, S., & Yamagishi, T. (Eds.) , Culture and Ecological Foundations of the Mind: Mutual Construction of the Mind and Society, Hokkaido University Press, 2007


  • Nakayama Y, Yamagata T, Tanji J, Hoshi E, Differential involvement of the frontal motor areas of macaques in planning and execution of action based on an abstract behavioral goal, Neuroscience 2012, the Society's 42th annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2012/10
  • Yamagata T, Nakayama Y, Tanji J, Hoshi E, Distinct representations of a behavioral goal and an action in the dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and the dorsal premotor cortex of macaques, Neuroscience 2012, the Society's 42th annual meeting , New Orleans, LA, 2012/10
  • Yamagata T, Nakayama Y, Tanji J, Hoshi E, Motor specification processes in the dorsal and ventral premotor cortex(PMd and PMv) through distinct paths of information processing, Neuroscience 2010, the Society's 40th annual meeting, San Diego, CA, 2010/10
  • Arimura N, Nakayama Y, Tamagata T, Saga Y, Tanji J, Hoshi E, Role of the globus pallidus in action planning as mediated by the abstract representation of action, Neuroscience 2010, the Society's 40th annual meeting, San Diego, CA, 2010/10
  • Nakayama Y., Arimura N., Yamagata T., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Comparison of neuronal activity in three subareas of the dorsal premotor cortex, Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, Illinois, 2009
  • Yamagata T., Nakayama Y., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Involvement of dorsal and ventral sectors of the lateral prefrontal cortex in a concept-based action planning, Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, Illinois, 2009
  • Nakayama Y., Yamagata T., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Virtual and physical representation of action planning in primate dorsal and ventral premotor cortex and primary motor cortex, International Congress of Physiological Science, Kyoto, Japan, 2009
  • Yamagata T., Nakayama Y., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Response properties of neurons in the premotor and prefrontal cortices to the appearance of visuospatial and instruction signals, International Congress of Physiological Science, Kyoto, Japan, 2009
  • Nakayama Y., Yamagata T., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Differential involvement of the dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) and the primary motor cortex (MI) in indirect visuomotor behavior, Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC., 2008
  • Yamagata T., Nakayama Y., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Involvement of the dorsal and ventral premotor cortex (PMd and PMv) in direct vs. indirect visuomotor behavior, Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC., 2008
  • Hoshi E., Yamagata T., Nakayama Y., & Tanji J, Activity of neurons of the macaque premotor cortex suggests its involvement in converting a concept for action into a motor plan, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California, 2007


  • 有村奈利子、中山義久、山形朋子、佐賀洋介、丹治順、星英司, 視覚刺激により誘導される抽象的行動計画と運動計画の発達における淡蒼球と運動前野の神経活動の比較, 日本神経科学会第34回大会, パシフィコ横浜, 2011/09
  • 中山義久、山形朋子、有村奈利子、丹治順、星英司, アクションの企画、準備、実行を反映する細胞活動の6つの運動領野内の特異的な分布, 日本神経科学会第34回大会, パシフィコ横浜, 2011/09
  • 山形朋子、中山義久、丹治順、星英司, 外側前頭前野と背側運動前野における到達運動の企画・実行中にみられる動作概念と実際の動作の表現の違い, 日本神経科学会第34回大会, パシフィコ横浜, 2011/09
  • Nakayama Y., Arimura N, Yamagata T., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Involvement of subareas within the dorsal premotor area (PMd) in a conceptually demanding visuomotor task, 日本神経科学学会第32回大会, 名古屋国際会議場, 2009/09/16-2009/09/18
  • Yamagata T., Nakayama Y., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Involvement of lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) in a concept-based action planning, 日本神経科学学会第32回大会, 名古屋国際会議場, 2009/09/16-2009/09/18
  • 中山義久・山形朋子・丹治 順・星 英司, 左右概念を表現する神経細胞活動, 日本心理学会第73回大会, 立命館大学, 2009/08/26-2009/08/28
  • Nakayama Y., Yamagata T., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Contrasting neuronal activity in the dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) and the primary motor cortex (MI) revealed with a conceptually demanding motor task, 日本神経科学学会第31回大会, 東京国際フォーラム, 2008/07/09-2008/07/11
  • Yamagata T., Nakayama Y., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, The dorsal and ventral premotor cortex (PMd and PMv) are differently involved in visual guidance of arm reach, 日本神経科学学会第31回大会, 東京国際フォーラム, 2008/07/09-2008/07/11
  • Nakayama Y., Yamagata T., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Differential involvement of the dorsal premotor cortex and the primary motor cortex in conditional visuomotor behavior, 日本生理学会第85回大会, 京王プラザホテル東京, 2008/03/25-2011/03/27
  • Yamagata T., Nakayama Y., Tanji J., & Hoshi E, Distinct response properties of neurons in the dorsal and ventral premotor areas (PMd and PMv) to the appearance of visual signals, 日本生理学会第85回大会, 京王プラザホテル東京, 2008/03/25-2008/03/27
  • Hoshi E., Nakayama Y., & Tanji J, Premotor cortex (PM) is involved in converting a concept for action into a motor plan, 日本神経科学学会第30回大会, パシフィコ横浜, 2007/09/10-2007/09/12


  • 北海道心理学会研究奨励賞, 中山義久, 2005

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