有村 奈利子

有村 奈利子
所属 玉川大学脳科学研究所
役職 グローバルCOE准教授
専門分野 神経科学
研究キーワード 神経生理学
所属学会 日本神経科学学会、Society for Neuroscience、The American Society for Cell Biology




  • Involvement of the globus pallidus in behavioral goal determination and action specification, Nariko Arimura, Yoshihisa Nakayama, Tomoko Yamagata, Jun Tanji, and Eiji Hoshi, Journal of Neuroscience, 2013, in press
  • Local application of neurotrophins specifies axons through inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, calcium, and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases, Nakamuta S, Funahashi Y, Namba T, Arimura N, Picciotto MR, Tokumitsu H, Soderling TR, Sakakibara A, Miyata T, Kamiguchi H, Kaibuchi K, Sci Signal, 2011/11, 15:4(199), ra76
  • 認知と運動の統合過程を支える神経基盤, 星英司、中山義久、山形朋子、佐賀洋介、橋本雅史、有村奈利子、丹治順, Brain and Nerve - 神経研究の進歩, 2011, 63, 59 - 68
  • CRMP-2 directly binds to cytoplasmic dynein and interferes with its activity, Arimura N, Hattori A, Kimura T, Nakamuta S, Funahashi Y, Hirotsune S, Furuta K, Urano T, Toyoshima YY, Kaibuchi K, J Neurochem, 2009/10, 111(2), 380 - 90
  • TDP-43 depletion induces neuronal cell damage through dysregulation of Rho family GTPases, Iguchi Y, Katsuno M, Niwa J, Yamada S, Sone J, Waza M, Adachi H, Tanaka F, Nagata K, Arimura N, Watanabe T, Kaibuchi K, Sobue G, J Biol Chem, 2009/08, 14:284(33), 22059 - 66
  • Anterograde transport of TrkB in axons is mediated by direct interaction with Slp1 and Rab27, Arimura N, Kimura T, Nakamuta S, Taya S, Funahashi Y, Hattori A, Shimada A, Ménager C, Kawabata S, Fujii K, Iwamatsu A, Segal RA, Fukuda M, Kaibuchi K, Dev Cell, 2009/05, 16(5), 675 - 86
  • Direct interaction of Slp1 and Rab27 with TrkB receptor regulates its anterograde transport in axons, Arimura N., Kimura T., Nakamuta S., Taya S., Funahashi Y., Hattori A., Shimada A., Ménager C., Kawabata S., Fujii K., Iwamatsu A., Segal RA., Fukuda M. & Kaibuchi K., Dev Cell, 2009, 16, 1 - 12
  • Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) tumor suppressor, neurofibromin, regulates the neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells via its associating protein, CRMP-2, Patrakitkomjorn S., Kobayashi D., Morikawa T., Wilson MM., Tsubota N., Irie A., Ozawa T., Aoki M., Arimura N., Kaibuchi K., Saya H., Araki N., J Biol Chem , 2008, 283, 9399 - 413
  • Neuronal polarity: from extracellular signals to intracellular mechanisms, Arimura N. & Kaibuchi K., Nat. Rev. Neurosci , 2007, 8, 194 - 205
  • IQGAP3, a novel effector of Rac1 and Cdc42, regulates neurite outgrowth, Wang S., Watanabe T., Noritake J., Fukata M., Yoshimura T., Itoh N., Harada T., Nakagawa M., Matsuura Y., Arimura N. & Kaibuchi K., J. Cell. Sci , 2007, 120, 567 - 77
  • Signaling networks in neuronal polarization, Yoshimura T., Arimura N. & Kaibuchi K., J. Neurosci, 2006, 26, 10626 - 30
  • MAG inhibits microtubule assembly by a Rho-kinase dependent mechanism, Mimura F., Yamagishi S., Arimura N., Fujitani M., Kubo T., Kaibuchi K. & Yamashita T., J. Biol. Chem , 2006, 281, 15970 - 9
  • Ras regulates neuronal polarity via the PI3-kinase/Akt/GSK-3β/CRMP-2 pathway, Yoshimura T., Arimura N., Kawano Y., Kawabata S., Wang S. & Kaibuchi K, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun, 2006, 340, 62 - 8
  • Molecular mechanisms of axon specification and neuronal disorders, Yoshimura T., Arimura N. & Kaibuchi K., Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci, 2006, 1086116-25, 116 - 25
  • Myelin-associated glycoprotein inhibits microtubule assembly by a Rho-kinase-dependent mechanism, Mimura F., Yamagishi S., Arimura N., Fujitani M., Kubo T., Kaibuchi K. & Yamashita T, J. Biol. Chem, 2006, 281, 15970 - 9


  • 認知と運動の統合過程を支える神経基盤 63(1): 59-68, 星英司、中山義久、山形朋子、佐賀洋介、橋本雅史、有村奈利子、丹治順, Brain and Nerve, 2011
  • 補足運動野と前補足運動野 28(10): 1121-24, 丹治順、中山義久、山形朋子、佐賀洋介、橋本雅史、有村奈利子、星英司, Clinical Neuroscience, 2010


  • Yoshihisa Nakayama, Tomoko Yamagata, Nariko Arimura, Jun Tanji, and Eiji Hoshi, Differential involvement of the frontal motor areas of macaques in planning and execution of action based on an abstract behavioral goal, The 42th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2012/10/13-2012/10/17
  • Arimura N, Nakayama Y, Yamagata T, Saga Y, Tanji J, Hoshi E, Role of the globus pallidus in action planning as mediated by the abstract representation of action, The 40 th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, 2010/11/17
  • Arimura N, Nakayama Y, Tamagata T, Saga Y, Tanji J, Hoshi E, Role of the globus pallidus in action planning as mediated by the abstract representation of action, Neuroscience 2010, the Society's 40th annual meeting, San Diego, CA, 2010/10
  • Arimura N & Kaibuchi K, ポスター発表, CRMP-2 and GSK-3beta regulate anterograde TrkB transport through Slp1, ASCB 47th Annual meeting, Washington DC, USA., 2007/12/01
  • Arimura N & Kaibuchi K, ポスター発表, CRMP-2 and Slp1 mediate anterograde transport of TrkB through Kinesin-1, 46th annual meeting of American Society of Cell Biology, San Diego, 2006/12/09
  • Arimura N, Yoshimura T& Kaibuchi K, symposium, Key regulators in neuronal polarity, IUBMB, Kyoto, 2006/06/18
  • Arimura N, Yoshimura T& Kaibuchi K, The regulation of neuronal polarization, Neuroscience, Washington DC, 2005/11/12
  • Arimura N, Kawabata S, Hattori A, Fukata Y, Inagaki M & Kiabuchi K, ポスター発表, The regulation of neuronal polarization by CRMP-2, SfN 35th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA., 2005/11/12
  • Arimura N, Kimura T, Fukata Y, Watanabe H , Iwamatsu A, & Kaibuchi K, symposium, Soluble form of tubulin is transported as a complex with CRMP-2 by conventional kinesin in growing axon , Federation of European Neuroscience societies (FENS), Lisbon, 2004/07/10
  • Arimura N & Kaibuchi K, ポスター発表, Collapsin Response Mediator Protein-2 :phosphorylation by Rho-kinase and role in neuronal polarity, SfN 31th Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2001/11/01-2001/11/05


  • Arimura N, Nakayama Y, Yamagata T, Saga Y, Tanji J, Hoshi E, Role of the globus pallidus in action planning as mediated by the abstract representation of action, 第一回東北大学脳科学国際シンポジウム, 仙台、宮城, 2011/01/21-2011/01/23
  • Arimura N, Nakayama Y, Yamagata T, Saga Y, Tanji J, Hoshi E, Role of the globus pallidus in action planning as mediated by the abstract representation of action, 41th NIPS International Symposium, 岡崎、愛知, 2010/12/16
  • 有村奈利子、中山義久、山形朋子、佐賀洋介、丹治順、星英司, 運動の表象表現を介した運動計画における大脳基底核と前頭前野の関与, 第33回日本神経科学大会, 神戸、兵庫, 2010/09/03
  • 船橋靖広、有村奈利子、貝淵弘三, ポスター発表, Identification of Slp1-interacting-protein in neuron, BMB2008 第31回日本分子生物学会年会・第81回日本生化学会大会 合同大会, 神戸, 2008/12/09
  • 有村奈利子、中牟田信一、船橋靖広、貝淵弘三, シンポジウム , Rab27 and Slp1 regulate anterograde transport of TrkB receptors in axons, 第60回日本細胞生物学会大会, 神戸, 2008/06/29
  • 島田明子、有村奈利子、貝淵弘三, ポスター発表, Identification of ULK1 as a novel CRMP-2 phosphorylation kinase, BMB2007 第30回日本分子生物学会年会, 横浜, 2007/12/11
  • 有村奈利子、島田明子、貝淵弘三, シンポジウム , CRMP-2, Slp1 and Rab27B mediate anterograde transport of TrkB, Neuro2007, 横浜, 2007/09/10
  • 有村奈利子、吉村武、貝淵弘三, シンポジウム , Rho-kinaseおよびGSK-3beta阻害剤による軸索伸長制御のメカニズム, 第18回日本末梢神経学会, 弘前, 2007/08/24
  • 服部敦志、有村奈利子、貝淵弘三, ポスター発表, The role of CRMP-2 as a novel cytoplasmic dynein interacting molecule, 日本分子生物学会2006フォーラム, 名古屋, 2006/12/06
  • 李隼庸、有村奈利子、貝淵弘三, ポスター発表, Ubiquitination of collapsin response mediator protein-2 participates in neuronal polarization, 日本分子生物学会2006フォーラム, 名古屋, 2006/12/06
  • 吉村武、有村奈利子、貝淵弘三, ポスター発表, Role of Slp, a novel CRMP-2 interacting molecule, in hippocampal neurons, 第49回日本神経化学会大会, 名古屋, 2006/09/14
  • 王淑杰、渡辺崇、則竹淳、原田匠、深田正紀、吉村武、有村奈利子、貝淵弘三, ポスター発表, IQGAP3 is a novel effector of Rac1 and Cdc42, and regulates neurite outgrowth, 第49回日本神経化学会大会, 名古屋, 2006/09/14
  • 有村奈利子、川端紗枝子、服部敦志、貝淵弘三, 口頭発表, 新規Collapsin response mediator protein-2結合蛋白質synaptotagmin-like proteinの海馬神経細胞における機能解析, 第29回日本神経科学大会, 京都, 2006/06/19
  • 有村奈利子、貝淵弘三, シンポジウム , Rho-kinase及びGSK-3bと軸索伸長, 第111回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会, 相模原, 2006/03/29
  • 有村奈利子, ポスター発表, Rho-kinase脳内基質蛋白質CRMP-2による細胞骨格の制御機構, 日本分子生物学会第25回年会, 横浜, 2002/12/11-2002/12/14
  • 有村奈利子、稲垣直之、千原一泰、五嶋良郎、天野睦紀、貝淵弘三, Rho-kinase脳内基質蛋白質CRMP-2を介した神経細胞の形態制御機構, 日本分子生物学会第23回年会, 福岡, 2000/12/11-2000/12/14


  • 平成21 年名古屋大学グローバルCOE ブレイクスルーリサーチアワード受賞, 有村奈利子, 2009

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