小島 比呂志

小島 比呂志
所属 玉川大学大学院脳情報研究科
役職 教授
専門分野 神経生理学、分子生物学
居室 脳・神経システム科学研究室(大学8号館)
研究キーワード 電気生理学 , 単一チャンネル電流記録 , 共焦点・2光子レーザー顕微鏡、多点高速uncaging神経刺激
所属学会 日本神経科学学会 , 日本生理学会 , 米国神経科学学会




  • Non-stationary noise analysis and synaptic transmission. , Kojima, H. , Proceedings of the Faculty of Engineering (Tamagawa University). (in press) , 2013, No. 48, 1 - 24
  • Single channel recording and synaptic transmission., Kojima, H., Tamagawa Brain Science Institute Bulletin , 2013, No. 6, 15 - 37
  • “脳と心の働きは科学で理解できるか?”. , 小島比呂志, オープンキャンパス・パンフレット, 2012, 1 - 18
  • Comptational Neurogenetic Modeling: A Brain Research Framework and a Case Study on Alzheimer’s Disease. , Kasabov, N., R. Schliebs and H. Kojima, IEEE transactions on Autonomous Mental Development , 2011, Vol.3, No.3, , 1 - 12
  • Analysis of the spatial-temporal characteristics of synaptic EPSP summation on the dendritic trees of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons as revealed by laser uncaging stimulation. , Yoneyama, M., Fukushima, Y., Kojima, H., Tsukada, M., Journal of the Japan Neural Network Society. , 2010, Vol.17, No. 1, , 2 - 11
  • Analysis of synaptic transmission and its plasticity by glutamate receptor channel kinetics models and 2-photon laser photolysis, Katsumata, S., K. Sakai, and H. Kojima, LNCS , 2009, 5506, 88 - 94
  • An Analysis of Synaptic Transmission and its Plasticity by Glutamate Receptor Channel Kinetics Models and 2-photon Laser Photolysis. , Kojima, H and S. Katsumata, LNCS, 2009, Vol. 5506,, 88 - 94
  • Analysis of synaptic transmission and its plasticity by glutamate receptor channel kinetics models and 2-photon laser photolysis, Katsumata, S., K. Sakai, S. Toujoh, A. Miyamoto. M. Tsukada, and H. Kojima, Proceedings of ICONIP, 2008
  • Analysis of synaptic transmission and its plasticity by glutamate receptor channel kinetics models and 2-photon laser photolysis., Katsumata, S., K. Sakai, S. Toujoh, A. Miyamoto. M. Tsukada, and H. Kojima , Proceedings of ICONIP 2008, 2008
  • A system for rapid patterned photolysis by ultraviolet (UV) laser beam. , S. Toujoh, Y. Nakazato, T. Maruo, S. Katsumata, K. Sakai, H. Kojima, Proceedings of the Faculty of Engineering (Tamagawa University). , 2008, No. 43,, 13 - 22
  • Interaction between the spatiotemporal learning rule (STLR) and Hebb type (HEBB) in single pyramidal cells in the hippocampal CA1 area, M. Tsukada, Y. Yamazaki, and H. Kojima, Cogn. Neurodyn, 2007, 1, 157 - 167
  • Development of a system for patterned rapid photolysis and 2-photon confocal microscopy , Kojima H., Simburger E., Boucsein C., Maruo T., Tsukada M., Okabe S., Aertsen Ad., IEEE Circuit and Device (Laser and Electro-optical Society) Magazine, 2006, volume 22, Issue 6, 66 - 74


  • 「Mathematical treatments of information processes at synapses」 (in press), Hiroshi Kojima, Springer, 2013/10
  • 「脳とニューロンの生理学」 , 小島比呂志(著・編)、大谷悟他著, 丸善出版(in press), 2013/10
  • 「Springer Handbook Bio-/Neuro-informatics」, N. Kasabov, Ed., “Chapter 35 Information processes in synapses,” by Hiroshi Kojima, Springer(in press), 2013/09
  • 「脳・神経科学の研究ガイド」 , 英語原著 (Guide to Research Techniques in Neuroscience)翻訳、小島比呂志(監訳)、小島比呂志、中村行宏、二見高弘(翻訳), 朝倉書店, 2013/02
  • 「ニューロンの生理学」 , フランス語原著(Physiologie du Neurone)翻訳 加藤総夫・小島比呂志・持田澄子(以上翻訳代表)、御子柴克彦(監訳)、藤吉好則・大谷悟(補章執筆), 京都大学学術出版会 , 2009/02
  • 「Physiology of Neuron」(in Japanses), translation of French book 「Physiologie du Neurone」, Edited by K. Kato, H. Kojima, S. Mochida, Kyoto University Press, 2009
  • 「Slow Synaptic Responces and Modulation」(in English), Edited by K. Kuba, DA. Brown et al.H. Kojima, K. Ichikawa, LV. Ileva, SF. Traynelis, Springer, 2000/01
  • 「バイオイメージングの最先端」, 分担執筆/先端医療技術研究所編, 先端医療技術研究所, 1999
  • 「Frontier of Bioimaging」(in Japanese), Edited by H. Ishikawa et al. H. Kojima, T. Watanabe, T. Yoshioka, Medical Engineering Research Institute, 1999
  • 「From Membrane to Mind」(in English) , Edited by Norbert Elsner and Heinz Wassle,H. Kojima, Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart/New York, 1997


  • Kojima, H., Nikaido, M., Maruo, T., Kurihara, M., ポスター発表, Quantal nature of Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in Cultured Hippocampal Cells of Rat and AMPA Receptor Kinetics (II). , Society for Neuroscience of the USA, Washington DC, USA, 2011
  • Nikaidoh, M., Kawaguchi, A., Saitoh, Y., Katsumata, S., Kojima, H. (2011) , ポスター発表, Quantal nature of Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in Cultured Hippocampal Cells of Rat and AMPA Receptor Kinetics (I). , 11-A-1059-BPS Proceedings of the Biophysical Society of the USA. , Washington DC, USA, 2011
  • Yoneyama, M., Fukushima, Y., Kojima, H., Isomura, Y., Aihara, T., Tsukada, M. (2010) , ポスター発表, The spatio-temporal characteristics of synaptic EPSP summation on the dendritic trees of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons using laser uncaging stimulation. , Neuroscience Research Suppl., P1-a21, 2010
  • Kawaguchi, A., Toyoshima, C., Nakamura, S., Kojima, H. (2009), ポスター発表, A study of synaptic transmission of cerebellar Purkinje cells by laser photolysis and glutamate receptor channel kinetics model. , Society for Neuroscience of the USA. , Chicago, 2009/10
  • Hiroshi Kojima, 口頭発表, Analysis of synaptic transmission and its regulation by channel , KEDRI Seminar on Kinetics models and laser photolysis, Auckland University of Technology, 2009/08/08
  • Kojima, H., S. Katsumata, S. Okabe, K. Sakai, S. Shoham, ポスター発表, Glutamate receptor channel kinetics models and synaptic plasticity ---- Future application of 2 photon laser photolysis, 36th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, 2009/08
  • Nakazato, Y., S. Toujoh, A. Miyamoto, T. Sasaki and H. Kojima , ポスター発表, A physiological and Molecular Biological Study of Rat Cerebellar Long-term Depression, Biophysical Society 53rd Annual Meeting of USA, Boston, 2009
  • H. Kojima , 招待講演, Glutamate Receptor Channel Kinetics Models and Synaptic Plasticity: , Future application of 2-photon laser photolysis INNS-NNN Symposia (New directions in Neural Networks), Auckland, New Zealand, 2008/11/24
  • S. Toujoh, Y. Nakazato, S. Katsumata, T. Maruo, T. Kisen, K. Sakai, H. Kojima. , ポスター発表, An analysis of AMPAR synaptransmission by laser and kinetics model. , Society for Neuroscience in the USA , Washington DC, 2008


  • 平倉洋輔、二階堂雅矩、川口陽仁、小島比呂志, ポスター発表, “興奮性シナプス伝達の量子的性質とAMPA型受容体のカイネティクス”. P4-a36, 第35回日本神経科学大会, 2012
  • 小島比呂志, 招待講演, 「小脳長期抑圧におけるAMPA型受容体特性変化の電気生理学的研究」 , 佐賀大学、医学部医学科、神経生理学教室, 2010/01/20
  • Kojima, H., Toyoshima, C., Kawaguchi, A., Toujoh, S., Nakamura, S. (2009) , ポスター発表, An analysis of synaptic transmission , The 32nd Annual Meeting the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2009/09
  • Toyoshima, C., Miyamoto, A., Sasaki, T., Kojima, H. , ポスター発表, An analysis of synaptic transmission mediated by AMPA channel and possible role of TARP (γ7) , The 32nd Annual Meeting the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2009/09
  • H. Kojima , Development of a fast multi-point laser uncaging system and its application to analysis of neural circuit (IV). (in Japanese). , Proceedings of Workshop of Tougounoh 2009, 2009
  • Miyamoto, A., Y. Nakazato, A. Kawaguchi, C. Toyoshima, T. Sasaki, H. Kojima , ポスター発表, Analysis of synaptic transmission mediated by AMPAR channel with TARP(γ7), 36th International Congress of Physiological Sciences 2009, 2009
  • H. Kojima, S. Katsumata, T. Maruo, S. Toujoh, Y. Nakazato, A. Takano, K. Sakai (2008) , ポスター発表, An analysis of aynaptic transmission by AMPAR channel kinetics model. , Neuroscience Research 2008, Tokyo, 2008/07/11
  • H. Kojima (2008) , ポスター発表, Development of a fast multi-point laser uncaging system and its application to analysis of neural circuit (III). (in Japanese). , Proceedings of Workshop of Tougounoh 2008, 2008
  • H. Kojima, T. Maruo, S. Katsumata, S. Tojou, Y. Nakazato, M. Tsukada, S. Okabe, K. Sakai. , Analysis of synaptic transmission by UV and IR laser photolysis, Neuroscience Research Vo. 58 Suppl. 1, S43, 2007


  • Post Rouge de CNRS en France, Kojima H., 2000


  • 「アルコールの神経作用メカニズムの解明」, Nature Neuroscienceに発表した原著論文(共著), 朝日新聞、読売新聞、日本経済新聞など主要各全国紙, 1999
  • [Elucidation of the Mechanisms of the Effect of Alcohol Molecules to the Central Nervous Sytem], Asahi, Yomiyuri , Nihonkeizai News papers etc, 1999

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