日時 | 2012年11月2日(木) 10:00~12:00 |
会場 | 玉川大学 研究・管理棟 507会議室![]() *ご来校の際は守衛所にお立ち寄りいただき、 GCOE特別セミナー参加の旨をお伝えください。 |
講師 | Edgar Koerner氏 (Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH) |
参加 | 無料。事前申込不要。 |
タイトル | 「Learning to behave in a natural environment」 |
Abstract | Robots and other technical artifacts are clumsy and inflexible when interacting with an ever changing and rather unstructured environment, mostly because they are programmed by humans with little insight into what the world is like for a robot. Drawing on principles of how the brain organizes processing and learning, I will argue for a systems approach to detect, localize and internally preserve behaviorally relevant situations for learning while interacting. One ofthe arguments is that it is not only the acquisition of knowledge on the environment we should focus on but equally important is the acquisition of knowledge on how the system has to optimally structure and parameterize the processing architecture in a respective interaction situation. First steps towards an implementation of this systems concept will be discussed in the context of learning visual representations for driver assist systems. |
(グローバルCOEプログラム事務局:玉川大学学術研究所 研究促進室)
〒194-8610 東京都町田市玉川学園6-1-1
TEL:042-739-8666 E-mail: t.instit [at] adm.tamagawa.ac.jp
*送信の際は [at] を@に替えてください。