このたび玉川大学グローバルCOEプログラムでは、下記の日程で特別講演会を開催いたします。講師のRobert Rescorla氏(ペンシルバニア大学名誉教授)は、心理学において最も基礎的で普遍的な『驚き』に基く連合学習の基礎概念をモデル化したRescorla-Wagner則の提案者のお一人です。
日時 | 2012年11月12日(月) 17:00~19:00 |
会場 | 玉川大学 研究・管理棟 507会議室![]() *ご来校の際は守衛所にお立ち寄りいただき、GCOE特別セミナー参加の旨をお伝えください。 |
講師 | Robert Rescorla氏 (Professor Emeritus of University of Pennsylvania) |
参加 | 無料。事前申込不要。 |
タイトル | 「Error-Correction and Extinction」 |
Abstract | Many contemporary models of associative learning rely heavily on one form or another of error correction mechanism. A significant number of these models assume that all of the stimuli present on a trial contribute to the calculation of an error which in turn is used to govern associative changes. The implications of this approach have been widely evaluated for acquisition of Pavlovian conditioning, and been found to have considerable explanatory power. However, the approach also has substantial, but largely uninvestigated, consequences for the extinction of conditioning. Such models suggest that the decremental effects of nonreinforcing a stimulus will be heavily influenced by the associative strength of concurrently present stimuli. Recent experiments in our laboratory confirm the implication that concurrent excitors promote and concurrent inhibitors attenuate the typical decremental impact of nonreinforcement. Moreover, they can be used to generate a decrement-producing error even when a reinforcer is presented. These results have implications not only for the circumstances that produce extinction but also for its content, as well as for clinical applications. |
(グローバルCOEプログラム事務局:玉川大学学術研究所 研究促進室)
〒194-8610 東京都町田市玉川学園6-1-1
TEL:042-739-8666 E-mail: t.instit [at] adm.tamagawa.ac.jp
*送信の際は [at] を@に替えてください。