Yoshikazu Isomura

Yoshikazu Isomura
Affiliation Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute, Graduate School of Brain Sciences
Position Title Professor
Role neurophysiology
Field of Specialization neurophysiology
Room Number Research Center Building
Research Keywords hippocampus, motor cortex, rat, multiunit recording, juxtacellular recording
Professional Affiliation Physiological Society of Japan, Japan Neuroscience Society, Japanese Neural Network Society, Society for Neuroscience


  • Reward modulated motor information in identified striatum neurons, Isomura Y, Takekawa T, Harukuni R, Handa T, Aizawa H, Takada M & Fukai T, J Neurosci (in press), 2013
  • Neural dynamics and information representation in microcircuits of motor cortex, Tsubo Y, Isomura Y & Fukai T, Front Neural Circuits 7, 2013, article 85
  • The synchronous activity of lateral habenular neurons is essential for regulating hippocampal theta oscillation, Aizawa H, Yanagihara S, Kobayashi M, Niisato K, Takekawa T, Harukuni R, McHugh TJ, Fukai T Isomura Y & Okamoto H, J Neurosci (in press), 2013, 33(20), 8909 - 8921
  • Passage-time coding with timing kernel inferred from irregular cortical spike sequences, Tsubo Y, Isomura Y & Fukai T, J Stat Mech Theor Exp (JSTAT), 2013, P03004
  • Spatiotemporal dynamics of functional clusters of neurons in the mouse motor cortex during a voluntary movement, Hira R, Ohkubo F, Ozawa K, Isomura Y, Kitamura K, Kano M, Kasai H & Matsuzaki M, J Neurosci (in press), 2013, 33(4), 1377 - 1390
  • Reinforcing operandum: rapid and reliable learning of skilled forelimb movements by head-fixed rodents, Kimura R, Saiki A, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Ohkubo F, Kitamura K, Matsuzaki M, Sakai Y & Isomura Y, J Neurophysiol., 2012, 108(6), 1781 - 1792
  • Power-law inter-spike interval distributions infer a conditional maximization of entropy in cortical neurons, Tsubo Y, Isomura Y & Fukai T, PLoS Comput Biol, 2012, 8(4), e1002461
  • Spike sorting of heterogeneous neuron types by multimodality-weighted PCA and explicit robust variational Bayes, Takekawa T, Isomura Y & Fukai T, Front Neuroinform, 2012, 6, article 5
  • Prototypic seizure activity driven by mature hippocampal fast-spiking interneurons, F.-Tsukamoto Y, Isomura Y, Imanishi M, Ninomiya T, Tsukada M, Yanagawa Y, Fukai T, Takada M, J. Neurosci, 2010/10, 30(41), 13679 - 89
  • Near scale-free dynamics in neural population of waking/sleeping rats revealed by multiscale analysis, Safonov LA, Isomura Y, Kang S, Struzik ZR, Fukai T, Cateau H, PLoS ONE, 2010/09, 5(9), pii: e12869
  • Microcircuitry coordination of cortical motor information in self-initiation of voluntary movements, Isomura Y, Harukuni R, Takekawa T, Aizawa H and Fukai T, Nat Neurosci, 2010, 12(12), 1586 - 1593
  • Accurate spike-sorting for multiunit recordings based on wavelet transform and robust variational Bayes, Takekawa T, Isomura Y and Fukai T, Eur J Neurosci, 2010, 31(2), 263 - 272
  • Theta oscillations in primate prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortices in forewarned reaction time tasks, Tsujimoto T, Shimazu H, Isomura Y and Sasaki K, J Neurophysiol, 2010, 103(2), 827 - 843
  • Directional organization of sensorimotor oscillatory activity related to the electromyogram in the monkey, Tsujimoto T, Mima T, Shimazu H and Isomura Y, Clin Neurophysiol, 2009, 120(6), 1168 - 1173
  • Entrainment of neocortical neurons and gamma oscillations by the hippocampal theta rhythm, Sirota A, Montgomery S, Fujisawa S, Isomura Y, Zugaro M and Buzsáki G, Neuron, 2008, 60(4), 683 - 697
  • Distinct types of ionic modulation of GABA actions in pyramidal cells and interneurons during electrical induction of hippocampal seizure-like network activity, F.-Tsukamoto Y, Isomura Y, Imanishi M, Fukai T and Takada M, Eur J Neurosci , 2007, 25(9), 2713 - 2725
  • Temporal integration by stochastic recurrent network dynamics with bimodal neurons, Okamoto H, Isomura Y, Takada M and Fukai T, J Neurophysiol, 2007, 97(6), 3859 - 3867


  • A network mechanism underlying hippocampal seizure-like synchronous oscillations, Isomura Y, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y and Takada M, Neurosci Res 61(3): 227-233, 2008
  • Neural mechanisms of versatile functions in primate anterior cingulate cortex, Isomura Y and Takada M, Rev Neurosci 15(4): 279-291 , 2004

International Conferences

  • Isomura Y, Oral presentation, Intracortical mechanism of voluntary movements in the rat. Acta Physiologica Sinica 64(suppl): 40-41, International Conference of Physiological Sciences 2012, Suzhou, China, 2012/11/01-2012/11/04
  • Kimura R, Saiki A, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Sakai Y, Isomura Y, Diversity and synchrony of multineuronal spike activities in rat primary and secondary motor cortices during externally- and internally-initiated movements, Soc Neurosci Abstr 42: 187.14, 42nd annual meeting, New Orleans, 2012/10/13-2012/10/17
  • Isomura Y, Oral presentation, Ensemble coding for voluntary movements in rat primary and secondary motor cortices, Dynamic Brain Forum (DBF) 2012, Carmona, Spain, 2012/09/03-2012/09/06
  • Lauwereyns JM, Takahashi M, Sakurai Y, Isomura Y, Tsukada M, Enhancement of rat hippocampal gamma-band activity during memory-guided spatial alternation, Soc Neurosci Abstr 41: 938.11, 41st annual meeting, Washington DC,, 2011/11/12-2011/11/16
  • Kimura R, Sakai Y, Saiki A, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Isomura Y, Coordinated multineuron activities related to externally- and internally-initiated movements in rat motor cortex, Soc Neurosci Abstr 41: 406.0, 41st annual meeting, Washington DC,, 2011/11/12-2011/11/16
  • Takahashi M, Sakurai Y, Isomura Y, Tsukada M & Lauwereyns J, The theta cycle and spike timing during fixation in rat hippocampal CA1. P40, The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN2011), Niseko, Hokkaido, 2011/06/09-2011/06/13
  • Fukushima Y, Isomura Y, Yamaguti Y, Kuroda S, Tsuda I & Tsukada M, Inhibitory network dependency in Cantor coding. P23, The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN2011), Niseko, Hokkaido, 2011/06/09-2011/06/13
  • Isomura Y, Intracortical mechanism underlying self-initiation of voluntary movements. Neural Circuits: The Hippocampus and beyond, Buzsáki 60th Birthday Symposium, Rutgers Univ, Newark, 2009/11/21
  • Isomura Y, Intracortical mechanism underlying self-initiation of voluntary movements, New Perspectives on Neural Mechanisms of Cognition and Action (organized by Hoshi E), Tamagawa Univ, Machida, 2009/11/13-2009/11/14
  • Isomura Y, Harukuni R, Takekawa T, Aizawa H & Fukai T, Different functional diversity of excitatory and inhibitory neurons across cortical layers in voluntary movement, J Physiol Sci 59(suppl): S465 (36th International Congress of Physiological Sciences (IUPS 2009)), Kyoto, Japan, 2009/07/27-2009/08/01
  • Isomura Y, Functional and morphological identification of single cortical neurons in behaving rats, Creativity, Dynamics, and Mutual Interaction (11th Tamagawa Dynamic Brain Forum), Atami, Japan, 2009/03/02-2009/03/04
  • Isomura Y, Harukuni R, Takekawa T, Aizawa H & Fukai T, Functional and morphological identification of neocortical neurons in rodents performing operant motor task, Soc Neurosci Abstr 38: 860.23 (38th annual meeting), Washington DC, 2008/11/15-2008/11/19
  • Isomura Y, A network mechanism underlying seizure-like synchronous oscillations, Synchronous Rhythms in the Brain, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2007/06/18-2007/06/20

Domestic Conferences

  • Saiki A, Kimura R, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Sakai Y, Isomura Y, Ensemble spiking activity in rat primary and secondary motor cortices during execution/non-execution of voluntary movement, 35th annual meeting, Nagoya, 2012/09/18-2012/09/21
  • Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Kimura R, Saiki A, Sakai Y, Isomura Y, Spout-lever manipulation: efficient learning of forelimb movements by head-fixed rats, 35th annual meeting, Nagoya, 2012/09/18-2012/09/21
  • Kimura R, Saiki A, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Sakai Y, Isomura Y, Coordinated multineuronal spiking activities related to externally- and internally-initiated movements in rat primary and secondary motor cortices, 35th annual meeting, Nagoya, 2012/09/18-2012/09/21
  • Saiki A, Kimura R, Sakai Y, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Isomura Y, Ensemble spiking activity in rat motor cortex during execution/non-execution of voluntary movement. J Physiol Sci 62(suppl): S228, 89th annual meeting, Matsumoto, 2012/05/29-2012/05/31
  • Kimura R, Sakai Y, Saiki A, Tsukamoto Y, Isomura Y, Ensemble spiking activities in rat motor cortex during externally- and internally-initiated movements. Neurosci Res 71(suppl): e348 , 34th annual meeting, Yokohama, 2011/09/14-2011/09/17
  • Takahashi M, Sakurai Y, Isomura Y, Tsukada M, Lauwereyns J, Gamma-band frequency shift during alert immobility in rat hippocampal CA1 area. Neurosci Res 71(suppl): e176, 34th annual meeting, Yokohama, 2011/09/14-2011/09/17
  • Tsukamoto Y, Isomura Y, Imanishi M, Tsukada M, Takada M, Area-specific generation of prototypic afterdischarge in the rat hippocampal and cerebral cortex. Neurosci Res 71(suppl): e108, 34th annual meeting, Yokohama, 2011/09/14-2011/09/17
  • Kimura R, Sohya K, Ebina T, Isomura Y, Yanagawa Y, Cateau H, Tsumoto T, Response properties of GABAergic and excitatory neurons in visual cortex of awake rats, revealed by two-photon functional calcium imaging. Neurosci Res 68(suppl): e383, 33rd annual meeting, Kobe, 2010/09/02-2010/09/04
  • Tsukamoto Y, Isomura Y, Imanishi M, Tsukada M, Takada M, Different patterns of precursory afterdischarge generated in hippocampal/cortical subareas. Neurosci Res 68(suppl): e228, 33rd annual meeting, Kobe, 2010/09/02-2010/09/04
  • Yoneyama M, Fukushima Y, Kojima H, Isomura Y, Aihara T, Tsukada M, The spatial-temporal characteristics of synaptic EPSP summation on the dendritic trees of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons using laser uncaging stimulation. Neurosci Res 68(suppl): e112-113, 33rd annual meeting, Kobe, 2010/09/02-2010/09/04
  • Isomura Y, Microcircuitry mechanism underlying self-initiation of voluntary movements, The 5th Neural Microcircuitry Conference , Tokyo, 2010/06/29-2010/06/30
  • Isomura Y, Different activations among entorhinal and hippocampal subregions by neocortical slow oscillations. J Physiol Sci 60(suppl): S67, 87th annual meeting, Morioka, Japan, 2010/05/19-2010/05/20
  • Isomura Y, Functional and morphological identification of cortical neurons in behaving rodents, Neurosci Res 65(suppl): S20 (32nd annual meeting), Nagoya, 2009/09/16-2009/09/18
  • Isomura Y, Harukuni R, Takekawa T, Aizawa H & Fukai T, Functional and morphological identification of single cortical neurons in operant-task-performing rats, Neurosci Res 61(suppl): S60 (31st annual meeting), Tokyo, 2008/07/09-2008/09/11
  • Isomura Y, Harukuni R, Tanaka S, Aizawa H & Fukai T, Juxtacellular/multiunit recordings from head-restraint rats performing forelimb movement task, Neurosci Res 58(suppl): S151 (30th annual meeting), Yokohama, 2007/09/10-2007/09/12

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