Masahiko Haruno

Masahiko Haruno
Affiliation Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute
Position Title Global COE Associate Professor
Field of Specialization computational neuroscience
Room Number GBI
Research Keywords learning decision making sociality


  • Dopamine neurons learn to encode the long-term value of multiple future rewards, Enomoto K, Matsumoto N, Nakai S, Satoh T, Sato TK, Ueda Y, Inokawa H, Haruno M, Kimura M, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2011, 108, 15462 - 15467
  • Motor memory and local minimization of error and effort, not global optimization, determine motor behavior, Ganesh G, Haruno M, Kawato M, Burdet E, J Neurophysiol, 2010/07, 104(1), 382 - 390
  • Activity in the amygdala elicited by unfair divisions predicts social value orientation, Haruno M. & Frith CD., Nat Neurosci, 2010, 13(2), 160 - 1
  • Model-based attenuation of movement artifacts in fMRI, Lemmin T, Ganesh G, Gassert R, Burdet E, Kawato M, Haruno M, J Neurosci Methods, 2010, 92(1), 58 - 69
  • Political and economic decision making in reward neural systems, Haruno M. Tanaka S & Kawato M., Leviathan, 2009, 44, 7 - 21
  • Activity in the Superior Temporal Sulcus Highlights Learning Competence in an Interaction Game, Haruno M. & Kawato M. , J Neurosci, 2009, 29(14), 4542 - 4547
  • Sparse linear regression for reconstructing muscle activity from human cortical fMRI., Ganesh G. Burdet E. Haruno M. & Kawato M., Neuroimage, 2008, 42(4), 1463 - 1472
  • Heterarchical reinforcement-learning model for integration of multiple cortico-striatal loops, Haruno M. & Kawato M., Neural Networks, 2006, 19, 1242 - 1254
  • Different neural correlates of reward expectation and reward expectation error in putamen and caudate nucleus during stimulus-action-reward association learning, Haruno M. & Kawato M., J.Neurophysiol., 2006, 95(2), 948 - 959
  • Optimal control of redundant muscles in step-tracking wrist movements, Haruno M. & Wolpert DM., J.Neurophysiol., 2005, 94(6), 4244 - 55


  • Hierarchical MOSAIC for movement generation.International Congress Series 1250: 575-590, Haruno M. Wolpert DM. & Kawato M., Elsevier, 2003

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